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Title: Dynamic server configuration for multiple streaming in a home network
Authors: Lemarchand, Laurent
Armah-Mensah, Isaac
Babau, Jean-Philippe
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: In home network, to manage network bandwidth usage, one solution is to control the server outgoing traffic with a token bucket policy. Hull-based token bucket parameter setting allows the guarantee of Quality of Service for variable bitrate video streaming. Hull is an abstraction of the bitrate, following the bandwidth requirement evolution dynamically. In the case of multi-streaming, we investigate a shifting technique to reduce the peaks impact. Postponing the streaming starting time of a video helps decrease the maximum required bandwidth. The technique is then mixed with the hull-based reservation. Simulations show the effectiveness of the combined approaches to optimize bandwidth usage, guaranteeing the best QoS for streaming. Online utilization is also discussed
Description: 7p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

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