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Title: Exchange rate dynamics in South Africa
Authors: Boateng, Alexander
Claudio-Quiroga, Gloria
Gil-Alana, Luis A.
Keywords: Exchange rate dynamics
Long memory
South Africa
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The structure of the nominal exchange rates in South Africa is examined by using fractional integration. We investigate the levels and the volatilities against the US dollar, the British pound, the Euro, the Japanese yen, the Chinese yuan, the Australian dollar, and the Botswanan pula. The results indicate that most series are unit root, I(1) and though there is some evidence of mean reversion, the orders of integration are close to 1, implying high levels of persistence. However, there is evidence of mean reversion for Bostwana Pula in various subsamples. For the volatilities, the stationary long memory is observed in all cases
Description: 15p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics & Statistics

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