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Title: The thermoelectric effect in a semiconductor superlattice in a non-quantized electric field
Authors: Mensah, S Y
Kangah, G K
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The thermoelccvic effect in a semiconductor rupcrlatlicc in a non-quantized electric Beld is investigated for elections of the lowest muband in the Linear approamation of VT. nalytlcll expressionsfor the thermopower andthekatconductintycocfficient are obtained as functions of the superlattice parsmeters A and d, temperature, concentration and electric field E. The results confirm the fact thar tepending on the relation berueen A and other characteristic energies of the carrier chdrge (kT, E and h/r) the camer charges cm behave either as a quasi-two-dimensional or as a three-dimensional electron gas. The prospect of using a superlanice as a good-quality and highly efficient thermoelement is also proposed
Description: 5p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Physics

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