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Title: The regress challenge, infinitism and rational dialectics
Authors: Inusah, Husein
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: I argue in this paper that infinitism is the best answer to the dialectical regress challenge. Infinitism, as a theory of rational dialectics, has not received enough attention from scholars because major proponents of the theory have focused mainly on using infinitism to answer an epistemic regress problem. Rather than construing infinitism as an answer to the epistemic regress question, I take the theory to be addressing a dialectical regress challenge and subsequently pitch it against its dialectical rivals. It emerges that dialectical infinitism addresses the regress challenge far better than its competitors if it is couched as a social contextualist thesis
Description: 19p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Classics & Philosophy

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