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Title: Using instructional technology tools to teach informational texts in Thailand
Authors: Keengwe, Jared
Traore, Moussa
Schnellert, Gary
Keywords: Informational texts
Student learning
Technology integration
Technology tools
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This article examines the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL) to medical personnel (nurses and doctors) in a hospital in Northern Thailand. The study shows that using technological devices like listening and comprehension CDs, tape recorders and the Internet to teach informational texts can help ESL learners overcomesomeoftheirlearningdifficulties.Evidencefromthestudysuggeststhatsuchapedagogicalapproach not only improves the comprehension of informational texts but also students’mastery levels of spoken and written English. The findings also reveal that such a pedagogical approach exposes students to the various nuances and differences associated with Global English awareness and understanding
Description: 4p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of English

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