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dc.contributor.authorOmari-Sasu, Grace-
dc.descriptionxi, 66p:, ill.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe emergence and determined survival of women in high flying jobs today in corporations depended on their own willingness to confront and fight strong barriers and hurdles that stool their way. The main objective of this study was to investigate the performance of career women using the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. The specific objectives included: examining the factors influencing the performance of women in the organization; examining the challenges affecting women in the organization and assessing the coping strategies adopted by women in the organization. The study adopted a descriptive research design with a sample of 100 respondents. The main data collection instrument was questionnaire. The collected data was analysed using Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23) and presented using frequency distribution tables. With the first objectives, the study concludes that the factors affecting the performance of women in the organization included: pressure from the family, low salary, low recognition as compare to male and workload in the organization. With the second objective, the study concluded that family-work conflict affects the performance of women in the organization. With the last objectives, the coping strategies of women in the organization included flexible working hour strategy include: part-time, telecommuting, job sharing and compressed work weeks, employees are able to maintain a balance between their work and their family and flexible working hours influence them in the organization. Generally, the study concluded due to flexible working policies, women are able to cope with family-work conflict. The study further recommends the need for flexible working hours programs will benefit both the employees and employer. This will help promote job satisfaction and enable employees to reduce work-life conflict.en_US
dc.subjectThe influence of family-work conflicten_US
dc.subjectperformance of womenen_US
dc.subjectKumasi metropolitan assemblyen_US
dc.titleThe influence of family-work conflict on the work performance of women in the organization. a study on Kumasi metropolitan assembly, Ghanaen_US
Appears in Collections:Institute for Development Studies

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