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Title: Human Resource Development And Employee Performance at Buduburam Fire Service Station, Kasoa
Authors: Pwamang, Matilda
Keywords: Human Resource Development
Employee Performance
Fire Service Station
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: UCC
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of human resource development on employee performance at Buduburam Fire Service Station, Kasoa. Specifically, it sought to assess the influence of Training and development on employee performance, examine the effect of organizational development on employee performance and evaluate the effect of career development on employee performance at Buduburam Fire Service Station, Kasoa. The research approach was a quantitative approach and design was explanatory research design. The study adopted a census survey of which all members of the population of fifty-six (56) were included. A structured questionnaire was the main instrument of the study and was administered to the respondents to gather quantitative data. It was also found that these indicators in composite impact on employee performance and that training and development and employee performance are positively correlated. Also, the study found that the organizational structure and culture at Buduburam Fire Service Station, Kasoa were less favourable as respondents indicated. The study concluded that the in order to develop human resource of an organisation, training and development of the staff is key and that training and development enhance employees’ performance. The study further concluded with confirmation to other studies and assertions that organizational development is statistically significant and positively related to employees’ performance. The study recommended that management should enhance their structure such that it would outline how activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization
Description: x, 73P:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Human Resource Management

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