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Title: Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Four Selected Primary Schools in Takoradi
Authors: Aidoo-Taylor, Paulina
Keywords: Job Satisf action
Selected Primary
Issue Date: Oct-2014
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: Job satisfaction is a paramount phenomenon in organizational science and organizational behavior. For any organization to thrive, it is important that its employees are satisfied, committed and motivated to work effectively to achieve the common goal of the organization. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that contribute to job satisfaction among teachers in four selected primary schools in Takoradi. A sample of 120 teachers made up of 40 teachers from Bethel Methodist Primary School, 27 teachers from Badu Addo Methodist Primary School, 23 from Lagos Town M/A Primary School and 30 from Higgins Primary School. The respondents had engaged in teaching for a minimum of one year. A questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation was ran to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and other variables. The result reveals a statistically significant relationship between salary increment, interpersonal relationship, working condition, recognition/motivation, professional advancement/promotion and job satisfaction; in addition, the result reveals a statistically significant difference the teachers’ level of job satisfaction and level of job dissatisfaction. The results showed that the teachers were more dissatisfied with their work. It is concluded that teachers do not have good working conditions and that teachers expect more motivation and recognition from their authorities.
Description: xii, 87p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Accounting & Finance

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