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Title: Asymptotic stability of solutions of a system of Difference equations with finite delay
Authors: Egyir, Victor Kingsford
Egyir, Victor Kingsford
Keywords: Asymptotic Stability
Contraction Principle
continuous mapping
Difference Equation
Fixed Point Theory
Stability solution
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: UCC
Abstract: This thesis is concerned with the stability of solutions of a system of dif- ference equations with nite delay. Fixed point theory is used in this thesis to investigate the stability of solu- tions of a system of di erence equations with nite delay. In particular, the Banach xed point theorem is used in the thesis. In the process the system of equations are inverted to obtain an equivalent summation equations. The result of the inversion is used to de ne a suitable mapping which is then used to discuss the stability properties of solutions of the system of di erence equations with nite delay. Su cient conditions that guarantee that the zero solution of a system of di erence equations with nite delay are asymptotically stable are obtained.
Description: viii, 51P:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics & Statistics

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