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Title: Acute Blindness in a Child after Quinine treatment for Severe Malaria
Authors: Orish, Verner N.
Alex, Ilechie A.
Keywords: Plasmodium
Severe malaria
Quinine blindness
Issue Date: Sep-2015
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: Although blurred vision from quinine toxicity is well documented in literature, an acute effect leading to blindness is infrequently reported. We report a case of sudden bilateral blindness in a child after quinine treatment for severe malaria. Ocular examination revealed no acute pathology except widely dilated non-reactive pupils. The site within the retina of the toxic effect of quinine remains controversial. Literature on proposed mechanisms is reviewed in this article. This case highlights the potential toxic effects of quinine in children and the lack of a characteristic fundi appearance.
Description: 4p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:School of Allied Health Sciences

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