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dc.contributor.authorBarthelemy, Jillian-
dc.contributor.authorSanchez, Kristen-
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Mark R.-
dc.contributor.authorKhreis, Haneen-
dc.description27p:, ill.en_US
dc.description.abstractAir pollution is associated with premature mortality and a wide spectrum of diseases. Traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) is one of the most concerning sources of air pollution for human exposure and health. Until TRAP levels can be significantly reduced on a global scale, there is a need for e ective shorter-term strategies to prevent the adverse health e ects of TRAP. A growing number of studies suggest that increasing antioxidant intake, through diet or supplementation, may reduce this burden of disease. In this paper, we conducted a non-systematic literature review to assess the available evidence on antioxidant-rich diets and antioxidant supplements as a strategy to mitigate adverse health e ects of TRAP in human subjects. We identified 11 studies that fit our inclusion criteria; 3 of which investigated antioxidant-rich diets and 8 of which investigated antioxidant supplements. Overall, we found consistent evidence that dietary intake of antioxidants from adherence to the Mediterranean diet and increased fruit and vegetable consumption is e ective in mitigating adverse health e ects associated with TRAP. In contrast, antioxidant supplements, including fish oil, olive oil, and vitamin C and E supplements, presented conflicting evidence. Further research is needed to determine why antioxidant supplementation has limited e cacy and whether this relates to e ective dose, supplement formulation, timing of administration, or population being studied. There is also a need to better ascertain if susceptible populations, such as children, the elderly, asthmatics and occupational workers consistently exposed to TRAP, should be recommended to increase their antioxidant intake to reduce their burden of disease. Policymakers should consider increasing populations’ antioxidant intake, through antioxidant-rich diets, as a relatively cheap and easy preventive measure to lower the burden of disease associated with TRAP.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectreduce burden of diseaseen_US
dc.subjectantioxidant supplementen_US
dc.subjectantioxidant-rich dieten_US
dc.subjecthealth effectsen_US
dc.titleNew Opportunities to Mitigate the Burden of Disease Caused by Traffic Related Air Pollution: Antioxidant-Rich Diets and Supplementsen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Allied Health Sciences

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