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Title: Gender dynamics in small ruminant husbandry Technology adoption in the Wa east district of the Upper West region of Ghana
Authors: Abena Tawiah Aboe, Patricia
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The study investigated the gender dynamics 111 small ruminant husbandry technology adoption among farmers In the Wa East District of the Upper West Region. Gender sensitivity of the Tumu Deanery Rural Integrated Development Programme (TUDRIDEP) was examined; access and control of production resources were described and institutional rules and norms guiding small ruminant production and marketing examined. A single embedded case study design with a convergent parallel mixed methods approach was employed. Data was collected using structured interview schedule and interview guides. Quantitative data analysis generated descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data was analysed along themes. Results showed that TUDRIDEP is gender aware, with a gendered staff structure that met a practical gender need. Although there were no significant gender differences in overall adoption levels and perception of convergent parallel mixed methods approach was employed. Data was collected using structured interview schedule and interview guides. Quantitative data analysis generated descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data was analysed along themes. Results showed that TUDRIDEP is gender aware, with a gendered staff structure that met a practical gender need. Although there were no significant gender differences in overall adoption levels and perception of technologies.
Description: xvi 351:, ill
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension

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