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dc.contributor.authorMahmud, Ibrahim-
dc.descriptionxviii 279; 83 84 86en_US
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to apply optimal control techniques to de Termine the optimal harvesting strategies that would ensure the sustainability ot The Sardinella aurita for future generations. In this vein, the Gordon-Schaefer Bioeconomic model was employed to aid in the analyses. The model was initially Analysed using three different rates of harvest; constant, proportional and periodic. Also reviewed were the Craven model, the Goh model, the optimal yield model And the model with effective utilisation factoi. The models weie subjected to Bifurcation analyses to determine the .stability properties; and the static reference Points, maximum sustainable yield (MSY), maximum economic yield (MEY) and Open access yield (GAY), computed. Also determined was the dynamic reference Point, optimum sustainable yield (OSY). An original model incorporating the to Tal allowable catch (TAG) showed that, for the binding constraints, the resource Should be harvested if and only if the maiginal net revenue of harvest Suit of applying the maximum effort exceeds the difference of the shadow price Of fish stock and the shadow price of the TAC. The model developed to simulate The effects of illegal fishing practices on fish stocks revealed that the increased Catchability induced by the illegal methods severely depletes the stocks, to as low Less than half of the carrying capacity in finite time. Employing a dynamic effort, Predator-prey model with reserve area and critical biomass level, the optimal fishing Strategy •irn^dhiicranttepqs itnhaait the critical biomass level must be set at the MSY level In order to attain sustainability of the resource. In general, all the models indicate That the optimal fishing effort must be set at the OSY level; estimated at 351,328 Trips annually at a discount rate of 15%, provided the initial fish stock size is at Least 554,654 tonnes. Recommendations are offered to the Fisheries Commission.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectGordon-Schaefer bioeconomic modelen_US
dc.subjectNumerical simulationen_US
dc.subjectOptimal controlen_US
dc.subjectOptimum sustainable yielden_US
dc.subjectPontryagin's maximum principleen_US
dc.subjectRound sardinella {Sardinello aurita)en_US
dc.titleAn application of optimal control to the sustainable Harvesting strategies of Ghana's sardinella fisheryen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics & Statistics

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