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Title: Association of Sunlight Exposure and Consumption of Vitamin D-Rich Foods During Pregnancy with Adverse Birth Outcomes in an African Population
Authors: Balogun, Hamudat
Jaakkola, Jouni J. K.
Amegah, A. Kofi
Keywords: vitD
preterm birth
Apgar score
birth weight
Issue Date: 27-Jan-2019
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: Background: Our objective was to assess whether dietary vitamin D (vitD) intake and sunlight ex- posure during pregnancy is associated with birth outcomes in a healthy Ghanaian population. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study that included 703 mother-infant pairs accessing postnatal services at the five main health facilities in Cape Coast, Ghana was conducted in 2016. Information on sunlight exposure practices and consumption of vitD-rich foods during pregnancy was collected. Results: A 1 mg increase in vitD intake resulted in a statistically significant 0.00505 weeks increase in gestational age (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.00005, 0.01004). Mothers classified in the first quartile of vitD intake had 37% (prevalence ratio ¼ 1.37, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.69) increased risk of pre- term birth (PTB) compared to their counterparts classified in the fourth quartile. Decreased vitD in- take was also associated with low-to-moderate Apgar score. Conclusion: Nutrition education of mothers on the importance of screening for vitD deficiency during early months of pregnancy is recommended.
Appears in Collections:School of Allied Health Sciences

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