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Title: Advancing perspectives of sustainability and large-scale implementation of design teams in Ghana’s polytechnics: Issues and opportunities
Authors: Bakah, Marie Afua Baah
Voog, Joke M.
Pieters, Jules M.
Keywords: Sustainability
Large-scale implementation
Design team
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: International Journal of Educational Development
Abstract: Polytechnic staff perspectives are sought on the sustainability and large-scale implementation of design teams (DT), as a means for collaborative curriculum design and teacher professional development in Ghana’s polytechnics, months after implementation. Data indicates that teachers still collaborate in DTs for curriculum design and professional development. Leaders support the sustenance of DTs however internal policies are needed for its official recognition. The local role of DTs in sustaining relevant polytechnic education and training efficient manpower for national development is discussed. Some identified inherent opportunities are examined for sustenance and conclusions drawn based on programme characteristics, contextual features and polytechnic climate.
Appears in Collections:Institute for Educational Planning & Administration

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