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Title: An Evaluation of Head teachers Performance in Supervision of Instruction and Involvement of Staff in Decision-Making in the School
Authors: Amina, Jangu Alhassan
Keywords: Supervision
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies
Abstract: Head teachers are expected to provide some services that will enhance the smooth performance of teachers in the school. This study evaluates the extent to which head teachers provide these services with particular reference to supervision and decision-making. The site selected for the study is the WA Municipality in the Upper West Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. A sample size of 220 teachers and head teachers were involved in the study. A questionnaire and an interview guide were used to collect data while data analysis was descriptive. The results indicated that to a very large extent, head teachers in the WA Municipality provide supervision services for teachers, and also involve teachers in decision-making in their schools.
ISSN: 2394-6288
Appears in Collections:Institute for Educational Planning & Administration

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