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Title: Foundations of academic writing: how to produce publishable research articles from theses and dissertations
Authors: Abreh, Might K.
Amenorvi, Cosmas R.
Keywords: academic writing
publishable articles
publishable articles
journal-length articles
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: International Journal of Scientific and Education Research
Abstract: Increasing globalisation and the demanding economic stage of the world today require straight-to-point and on-the-move documents for the world’s busy people. Extensive reports are very burdensome for business people, professors, and other professionals who need quick and concise information. Conference proceedings, journal articles, memoirs and executive summaries are but some of the materials readily read by these people who sparingly refer to elaborate versions for confirmation and affirmation. This paper, therefore, presents a set of suggestions for reducing findings/results obtained in masters/doctoral theses and dissertations into research journal articles for publication. Although the ideas encompassed here are not prescriptions for the production of research articles, it represents a set of guidelines and proposals that one ought to take into consideration in preparing academic papers.
Appears in Collections:Institute for Educational Planning & Administration

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