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Title: The lmpact of In-servi cTeeacher Trainin gThrough an Outreach Program on the Content Knowledge of Basi cSchoo lMathematic sTeachers in Ghana
Authors: DAVIsi, Ernest Kofi
Keywords: In-service Teacher Training
Outreach Program
Content Knowledge
Basic School Mathematic
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education
Abstract: Background and Objectives of the Study In 1987, the government of Ghana instituted a nation-wide reform in the educational system beginning from the basic school' level. The main aims of this reform were (1) to improve the access and participation of all school age children, (2) to improve the quality of education, and (3) to change the duration of pre-university education from 17 years to 12 years. The reform changed the curricula of all pre-university institutions as well as their subjects of study, including mathematics. The curriculum reform in mathematics, in particular, consisted not only of the reorganization of the existing curriculum and introduction of new content, but also of the introduction of new ways of teaching and assessing student learning (MOE, 2000). This reform was mainly influenced by the idea of pragmatism in education from the United States of America
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