Department of Environmental Sciences : [13] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2005Taxonomic Studies of Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta (LINDL.) SCHTR., an Antimalarial Plant Species Used in GhanaAmeyaw, Yaw
Nov-2018Nutritional Quality of Crops and Surface Water Quality of Selected Communities in GhanaAbraham, Janice Dwomoh
Jul-2018Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Vegetation, Soi and Water QualityiIn the Upland Evergreen Tropical Forest of Atewa, GhanaGhartey-Tagoe, Felicity
Jul-2018Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Vegetation, Soil and Water Quality in the Upland Evergreen Tropical Forest of Atewa, GhanaGhartey-Tagoe, Felicity
Nov-2018Nutritional Quality of Crops and Surface Water Quality of Selected Communities in GhanaJanice, Dwomoh Abraham
Sep-2019Assessing the level of hygiene practices among casual and organized restaurant operators in Prampram.Lamptey, Sylvia
Sep-2019Assessment of open defecation in KWAHU Afram Plains South District, GhanaKwarteng, Daniel Amponsah
Sep-2019Evaluation of the efficiency of private solid waste management in Ablekuma North Municipal AssemblyKrakue, Harriet
Sep-2019Effects of small-scale gold mining on farming in Atiwa West DistrictKoranteng, Joseph
Aug-2020Handwashing as a practice among healthcare workers at the Kaneshie Polyclinic, AccraDele-Sogbey, Paola Vebeyere
Sep-2020Flooding and its effects on the quality of health of residents of Maamobi in the Ayawaso North Municipality of The Greater Accra Region Of GhanaBraimah, Olivia Mariama
Aug-2019Solid waste management within the central business district of AccraOkoe Bosomprh, Charles
Sep-2020Management of plastic waste in the Nsawam Adoagyiri MunicipalityBuabeng, Joseph
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13