Economics Of Cocoa Extension Service Quality, Climate Smart Adaptation, And Efficiency Of Production Nexus: Implication For Food Security Among Cocoa Farmers In Ghana
Developing A Novel Onsite Detection Technology By Using Chemometrical Analysis Of Hand-Held Near-Infrared Sensor Technique For Assessing Coffee Quality
Marker-Assisted Breeding For Resistance To Blast And Rice Yellow Mottle Diseases In Ghana
Study Of Okra Leaf Curl Disease And Its Whitefly Vector (Bemisia Tabaci) Vector In Three Agro-Ecological Zones In The Volta And Oti Regions Of Ghana
Study Of Okra Leaf Curl Disease And Its Whitefly Vector (Bemisia Tabaci) Vector In Three Agro-Ecological Zones In The Volta And Oti Regions Of Ghana
Assessing The Impact Of Preharvest And Postharvest Factors On Cocoa Bean Quality Using Standard Methods And Novel Handheld Nir Spectrometer Coupled With Chemometics
Psychological Sense Of Community, Work Attitude And Technological Pedagogy As Predictors Of Turnover Intentions Among Public Colleges Of Education Tutors In Ghana
Genetic Diversity Of Cassava Mosaic Gemniviruses (Cmgs) In The Volta Region Of Ghana And Resistance Screening Of Improved Cassava Vareties To Cassava Mosaic Disease (Cmd)
Characterization, classification and spatial . Variability of soils of the university of cape coast Wamaso research station
Nursery and tree management practices for Improved germination, seedling quality and fruit Characteristics of cape st. Paul wilt disease Tolerant coconut varieties
Impact of sustainable rainfed lowland rice development project on the livelihoods of small-scale rice farmers in the Ashanti and Northern Regions of Ghana
Economics of Cocoa Extension Service Quality, Climate Smart Adaptation, and Efficiency of Production Nexus: Implication for Food Security Among Cocoa Farmers in Ghana
Assessing the Impact of Preharvest and Postharvest Factors on Cocoa Bean Quality Using Standard Methods and Novel Handheld Nir Spectrometer Coupled with Chemometrics
Drying Kinetics of Cassava and Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato and the Physico-Nutritional Characterization of their Composite ‘Fufu’ Flours
Characterization of Cassava Germplasm and Screening for Differences in Starch Production and Resistance to Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease
Management of the Noxious Weed Speargrass (Imperata Cylindrica (L.) Beauv.) in the Forest and Forest- Savanna Transition Agro-Ecological Zones of Ghana
Hatchery Waste Meal as Protein Source in Diets for Grower-Finisher Pigs (Sus Domesticus)
Nutrient Dynamics in a Coastal Savanna Soil Amended with Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Leaves and Animal Manure
Farmers' And Extension Staff Perceptions of Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Delivery in the Ashanti Region of Ghana
Factors Affecting Attitudes of Cocoa Farmers Towards Replanting and Decisions to Replace Cocoa with Other Crops in the Kwaebibirem District, of the Eastern Region, Ghana