Department of Agricultural Engineering : [9] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2024Developing A Novel Onsite Detection Technology By Using Chemometrical Analysis Of Hand-Held Near-Infrared Sensor Technique For Assessing Coffee QualityBoadu, Vida Gyimah
Apr-2022Assessing The Impact Of Preharvest And Postharvest Factors On Cocoa Bean Quality Using Standard Methods And Novel Handheld Nir Spectrometer Coupled With ChemometicsAnyidoho, Elliot Kwaku
Apr-2022Assessing the Impact of Preharvest and Postharvest Factors on Cocoa Bean Quality Using Standard Methods and Novel Handheld Nir Spectrometer Coupled with ChemometricsAnyidoho, Elliot Kwaku
Dec-2022Drying Kinetics of Cassava and Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato and the Physico-Nutritional Characterization of their Composite ‘Fufu’ FloursYounge, Samuel
Mar-2015Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Growth, Yield, Quality and Storage of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; cv. PectomechAgbemafle, Robert; Agbemafle, Robert
Jul-2016The Effcets of Irrigation and Fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Shelf Life of OFSP [Ipomea Batatas (L) Lam] Roots in Four Storage StructuresDukuh, Isaac Gibberson
Sep-2018Effect of edible coatings on the postharvest quality of eggplant (solanum aethiopicum l.) Fruits during low temperature storageDadzie, Rosemond
Dec-2016Assessment of potential impact of climate change on peanut yield in Senegal through a modelling approachFaye, Babacar
Dec-2009Anaerobic digestion of shea waste for energy generationOfosu, Martin Ampadu
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9