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Title: Barriers and Enablers to the Use of the Partographin Central Region, Ghana: A Qualitative Study Using In-Depth Interviews, Case Scenarios and Focus Group Discussions
Authors: Unkels, Regine
Nneka M. Muoghalu
A. Adu, Joseph
A. Ameh, Charles
Keywords: Partograph
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: BCM prangnancy and childbirth
Abstract: The partographis a useful tool for improving the quality of care during labour (pictorial overview of labour progress, clinical audit, training of health care workers and facilitating the transfer of care). The WHO recommends its use especially in under-resourced settings. Several studies have reported under-utilization of the partographin such settings but there are limited studies to explore the reasons for this or factors to improve the use.
Appears in Collections:School of Medical Sciences

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