The study examined the determination of student’s leaning behaviour of selected Public Senior High School in Cape Coast Metropolis of the Central Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey research design was adopted using sample of 320 students randomly selected from eight Senior High School in Cape Coat.
A questionnaire was use to gather the date. The Cronbachs alpha coefficient for the reliability of the of the instrument was 0.823. Means, standard deviation and independent t-test were use as statistical indexes to analyse the result.
The finding revealed that generally students learning behaviour could be influenced by factors that contribute to their academic performances, which include test anxiety, classroom atmosphere, peer relationship and parental support.
The result also showed that parents and the teachers motivation are essential in cultivating good leaning behaviour. The findings further reveled that parents with good educational background positively influence the leaning behaviour of children. It was also found that peers who are academically good inspire their colleagues to also study hard while distractions from peer interfere with their studies, however, majority of the students do no see time spend with peers as having negative influence on their leaning behaviour.