Show simple item record Oduro, Joseph Kojo 2025-01-23T09:25:02Z 2025-01-23T09:25:02Z 2023-05
dc.identifier.issn issn
dc.description xv, 274p:, ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The rapid increase in the ageing population has been ascribed to several factors, key among them being reduced mortality and higb life expectancy. This demographic transition has impacted all spheres of society including the ancillalY domains of wellbeing of the aged. This study assessed the social wellbeing (social integration, social contribution, social acceptance, social coherence, and social actualisation) of the aged in Ghana. The pragmatist research philosophy and sequential mixed methods were employed using primalY and secondary data. Multistage cluster sampling and homogeneous purposive sampling techniques were used to select 1,927 and ten persons aged 60 and above respectively. Multilevel binary logistic regression and structural equation modelling (SEM) were applied for the quantitative analysis, while thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data. The multilevel regression results showed that high social wellbeing of the aged was associated with the ancillary domains of wellbeing (emotional (OR=0.94, 9S% CI= 0.71 , 1.24), physical OR= 1.90, 9S% CI= 1041 , 2.S7), psychological (OR=2.0S, 9S% CI= I.S6 , 2.69), and spiritual (OR= I.S6, 9S% C[= 1.19,2.05)). The SEM results showed the interdependence among the ancillary domains of wellbeing . 16(95% Cl = 0.03,0.29) and 0.27 (95% Cl = 0.24,0.30) which further influences the social wellbeing ofthe aged. The results on lived experiences of the aged showed that many of the aged belonged to social groups, were visited by friends, participated in voluntary services, trusted people in the community, felt safe when they were alone at home, and were happy. The study concludes that high social wellbeing is associated with the ancillary domains of wellbeing. Enhancement in the ancillary domains of wellbeing of the aged improve their social wellbeing. The aged are socially integrated, they make social contributions, they are socially accepted, feel safe and are happy. To improve the social wellbeing of the aged in Ghana, the study recommends that the Department of Social Welfare in collaboration with Community Leaders should engage the aged in weekend walk and thought sharing moments to ensure high social integration. The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection in collaboration with Care4Aged should help educate the aged on the direct influence of emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing on their social wellbeing. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Aged, Emotional wellbeing, Ghana, Physical wellbeing, Psychological wellbeing, Social wellbeing en_US
dc.title Social Wellbeing Of The Aged In Ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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