Improving safety in undergro un d M·m es necessan.ly r.eqUire s CommunI.c atI.O n
Technology Capacity (CTC) Development. The main objective of the thesis was to
analyse CTC Development and Safety in Underground Mines to generate knowledge
resources for improving Safety in Underground Mines. The data used were obtained
from primary and secondary sources. The data were obtained through interviews, focus
group discussion, questionnaire administration, and literature search. Data were
analysed using these frameworks: Descriptive, Correlation, Comparative, Evaluation,
and Synthesis. And again Data were analysed using these Techniques: Descriptive
Statistics, Regression, Chi-square, Impact Analysis, Modelling, and Computer
Simulation. Chirano Gold Underground Mines And Newmont Gold Ahafo
Underground Mines were endowed in CTC Development and safety in underground
Mines. The drivers employed for CTC development were Traffic lights, Power supply,
Traffic light module, Radio frequency transmitters and receivers, and Software
component. These drivers helped minimise and prevent unnecessary interactions
between mobile equipment. Constraints in CTC Development in both mines included
High cost of training, Training sessions conflicting off days, Employees unwilling to
participate in training, and High labour tum over make training costly. ·Also Formal
Internal training, Formal external training, Learning by doing, Learning by adapting
foreign te~hnology, etc. both underground mines compared favourably in respect of
their mechanisms for CTC development and its constraints. Effects of CTC
Development on safety in Mines, it was realised that 80 m distance must be observed
between mobile equipment in order to slow to a stop not more than 4 seconds to prevent
a collision. In the improved CTC Development System, five scenarios for simulations
were considered to assure orderly movement of mobile equipment in Mines namely:
Heavy Vehicle (HV) moving at underground Mines Emergency Vehicle moving in the
underground mines, HV descending, Light Vehicle (LV) ascending and HV descending
and lastly, LV ascending and another LV descending.