The study focused on improving the teaching and learning of trigonol1JPtry
with cooperative teaching and learning approach (eTLA) to promote studentcentred
approach to learning in Senior High School (SHS) classroom context
in Ghana. The research approach for the study was design-based research
(DBR), using qualitative and quantitative methods. The DBR consisted of
three stages; prototype, implementation and evaluation, and systematic
reflection and documentation. At the prototype stage, two exemplary materials
with the features of eTLA were designed by the researcher and validated by
two experts in mathematics education. Based on the exemplary materials,
professional development training was organised for eight
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mathematics teachers (lMTs) who were sampled on purpose to develop and
enact eTLA-Iessons. Questionnaires, observations, semi -structured
interviews, focus group discussions, student tests and designed lesson
documents were the data sources employed in this study. The data were
analysed using descriptive statistics, data reduction technique, paired sample ttest,
and document analysis respectively. The results of the study revealed that
the IMTs improved their pedagogical strategies as a result of enacting lessons
anchored on the eTLA. Further, there was significant improvement in lhe
students' achievement test after their participation in the eTLA-Iessons. In
addition, design guidelines were delineated to serve as a guide in the future
developments of IMTs experiences in using eTLA as a pedagogical approach
in the Ghanaian classroom context. Implications of the study for policy,
practice and fmiher research have been discussed.