It is widely accepted that the potential revolution in facilitation that information and communication technology may bring may improve education at all levels. Most governments' investments in schools' ICT infrastructure are driven by a firm conviction in the transformative power of ICT to improve student learning. The study's overarching objective was to better understand how students at the University of Cape Coast see the variables that drive them to maintain their technology use. The study was guided by four (4) research questions. The study included a random selection of 326 undergraduates from selected departments across four colleges at the University of Cape Coast, out of a total population of 1,779. A questionnaire was utilised to collect information for a descriptive survey using a quantitative methodology. The results showed that students valued the perceived benefit of technology in the classroom quite highly. Again, the results showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the mean judgements for years three and four when it came to how conveniently students felt using technology for learning. While most participants gave the research excellent marks for perceived value, happiness, and convenience, many had poor views of the underlying ICT infrastructure, which might potentially slow down course development at times. Perceived utility (PU) was shown to be the most influential factor in whether or not participants adopted and used a new technology. It was recommended that the government take decisive action to strengthen ICT infrastructure and establish a strong telecommunications industry in order to address some fundamental ICT application difficulties and to boost the facilitation of ICT in schools. Constant attention should also be paid to the requirement for updating the information and communication technology infrastructure present on college campuses.