This study examined the views regular pupils held for children with Down’s syndrome and ascertained the effects an intervention on social interaction between children with and without Down’s syndrome would have on the perception and attitude of those without disabilities.
The research design for the study was a pre-testpost-test non-equivalent quasi-experimental design. Cape Coast Aboom Methodist cluster of schools was used for the study. The entire Basic Stage 4 pupils in the schools (56) with 4 Down’s syndrome children were the subjects for the study. The instruments for the experiment were questionnaire and observation. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of reliability for the two instruments were .88 and .80 respectively.
The finding revealed that inclusive education has a positive effect on social interaction and was consistent with the Social learning theory as regular pupils after watching the researcher and some school children, familiar with children with Down’s syndrome interacting, were motivated to do likewise. It was effective in improving pupils’ “perception” and “attitude” towards their Down’s syndrome peers but not on “friendship”.
The recommendations included the need to enhance effective social interaction among children with and without Down’s syndrome to lessen associated phobias children without Down’s syndrome have for their peers with Down’s syndrome. Equally important is educational authorities organising joint programmes such as sports, games and cultural activities for children with and without Down’s syndrome.