The study sought to assess the occupational health and safety practices and employee performance at Tarkwa Goldfields. To achieve this, the study analyzed the effect of management commitment to safety, supervisors‘ safety practices, co-worker safety practices, job safety and safety programs on employee performance at Tarkwa Goldfields. To achieve these specific objectives, an explanatory research design and a quantitative approach were adopted. The population for this study focused on all employees who work at engineers and planner, mineral processing unit and mining and civil contractors comprising of 190 staff. A sample size of 129 respondents were subsequently made to participate in the study and a simple random sampling technique was adored. The study adopted a questionnaire for gathering primary data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse data. Frequency and percentages were used to analyse the demographics of the respondents whilst linear regression was used to analyse the research objectives. The results of the study revealed that management commitment to safety, supervisors‘ safety practices, co-worker safety practices, job safety and safety programs had positive and significant effect on employee performance at Tarkwa Goldfields. The study recommended that management commitment to safety should be applied to all organisational levels to ensure high commitment to safety. Similarly, it is recommended that supervisors' must take immediate steps to correct unsafe or unhealthful workplace conditions or hazards within their authority and ability to do so. Lastly, management should use a proactive approach to managing workplace safety and health.