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Human Resource Management Information System And Organisational Performance Of The Lands Commission

Show simple item record Cann, Theophilus Murphy 2025-01-27T14:35:58Z 2025-01-27T14:35:58Z 2024-07
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.identifier.issn issn
dc.description xii, 120p; , ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The main goal of the study was to examine the Lands Commission of Ghana's organisational performance and information system for human resource management. The study specifically aimed to determine the necessity of a Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) its impact on organisational performance and the obstacles preventing its implementation at the Lands Commission. The research design utilised in the study was explanatory, and the quantitative research methodology was applied. The sixteen (16) Lands Commissions from each region of Ghana were the focus of the investigation. Two thousand (2000) workers from the 16 Commissions were the study's target population. Thereafter, a sample of three hundred and thirty-three (333) heads were chosen to participate in the study. The personnel were asked to provide their opinions on the study's stated objectives through a self-administered questionnaire. The study found that the operational, tactical, and strategic effectiveness of the Commission had positive and statistically significant positive effects on the organisation’s performance. These results led to the conclusion that the information system for human resource management has a significant impact on organisational performance. Additionally, it was advised that management prioritise investments that improve tactical effectiveness, recognise the positive effects of HRMIS on organisational performance, and encourage ongoing management support. en_US
dc.language English en
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Human Resource Management Information System, Lands Commission, Operational Effectiveness, Organisational Performance, Strategic Effectiveness, Tactical Effectiveness en_US
dc.title Human Resource Management Information System And Organisational Performance Of The Lands Commission en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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