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Business Communication And Organisational Performance At Compassion International Ghana

Show simple item record Deku, Geoffery 2025-01-27T15:02:47Z 2025-01-27T15:02:47Z 2023-07
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.identifier.issn issn
dc.description xi, 75p; , ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The ―purpose of this study was to investigate business communication and organisational performance at Compassion International Ghana. In order to accomplish the objective of the research project, the study devised a set of three objectives. These were; to investigate the relationship between horizonal communication and organisational performance at Compassion International, Ghana; to investigate the relationship between downward communication and organisational performance at Compassion International, Ghana; and to investigate the relationship between upward communication and organistaional performance at Compassion International, Ghana. The study employed the explanatory design. The data gathering tools were questionnaire. The quantitative research methodology was used in the investigation. The study’s sample size was 262 which was selected by using the simple random sampling approach. In order to conduct an analysis of the aims of the research, a structural equation model was used. Analysis was done on both the internal consistency and the divergent consistency of the conceptions. With respect of the first objective, there was a positive and significant relationship between downward and upward communication and organisational performance at Compassion International Ghana. The study also found that there was a negative and significant relationship between horizontal communication and organisational performance among employees of Compassion International Ghana. The study recommends that the firm must encourage a culture where open and transparent communication is valued and promoted. en_US
dc.language English en
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Horizontal Communication, Upward Communication, Downward Communication, Organisational Performance en_US
dc.title Business Communication And Organisational Performance At Compassion International Ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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