University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository

Project Execution And Project Success At University Of Cape Coast: The Mediating Role Of Communication And Organisational Structure

Show simple item record Kudjoe, Vera 2025-01-28T15:58:12Z 2025-01-28T15:58:12Z 2023-06
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.identifier.issn issn
dc.description xiv, 166p; , ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract For projects to be successful and to be carried out, organizational structure and communication remain crucial. The majority of studies, however, have concentrated on delineating these responsibilities separately from one another rather than offering a comprehensive picture of how they affect the execution and success of projects. This study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of project communication and organizational structure on project execution and success using the University of Cape Coast as a study unit. The study used the quantitative technique and an explanatory research design. The study’s target population comprised employees in the five colleges of the University of Cape Coast who had been involved in projects over the years. In all, data were collected from all the 353 participants involved in one project or the other using census. A structured questionnaire was the primary data collection instrument used for the study. The study found that project execution strongly contributes to improvements in organisational structure and communication. The study also discovered that effective communication and organisational structure are key to successful project execution. The study therefore concludes that effective project execution, organisational structure, and communication are crucial to project success. The study recommends the University pay attention to the various project organisational structures and communication strategies used in managing projects to ensure successful project execution. en_US
dc.language English en
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Communication, Organisational Structure, Project Execution, Project management, Project Success en_US
dc.title Project Execution And Project Success At University Of Cape Coast: The Mediating Role Of Communication And Organisational Structure en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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