Employees are critical to the success of any organisation, whether non-profit or for-profit. An organisation cannot survive without individuals. Employee involvement in decision making is a procedure that aims to make employees feel like they are more than just employees of the organisation, but also a vital part of it. Employee involvement and innovation are two ways employees might respond to conditions in today's highly competitive environment. The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of employee involvement and innovativeness in the Judicial Service in Ho Municipality. The study adopted a quantitative research approach. Again, the study adopted a descriptive survey design and using the stratified sampling technique, the study sampled 218 participants from Judicial Service. The primary data was gathered via a structured questionnaire. Questionnaires are popular because they are simple to evaluate and save time while collecting data. The primary source data was collated, sorted, cleaned, edited for quality and clarity, categorized, coded into a coding sheet, and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. It was found that, both upward and downward communication between management and subordinates in the Judicial Service recorded the highest average. Based on findings, it was recommended that employees can be innovative not only by employee involvement, but the attention must be on employee participation and employee empowerment.