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Students And Administrators‟ Views On Students‟ Participation In Decision-Making Process At The Tamale Technical University.

Show simple item record NAPADOW, ALHASSAN ABU 2025-01-29T11:47:26Z 2025-01-29T11:47:26Z 2024-02
dc.description ix,130p;, ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the views of students and administrators on students‟ participation in decision making in Tamale Technical University. The total population of respondents for the study was 1,867. This was made up of second- and third-year students and senior administrative staff. The sample was pegged at 280 (250 students and 30 administrative staff). It also employed the use of stratified and purposive sampling technique to select respondents from management and students. The study revealed that, students agreed to the existence of policies on students‟ participation in decision making process at Tamale Technical University. They disagreed however that, University management organizes forums to share policy guidelines on students‟ participation in decision-making process, contradicting management of TaTU who agreed to the statement. The study recommended that, students should be made privy can be used to decisions that concern them at the University to ensure a cordial working relationship between students and management. It also recommends that, the University policy document on students participation in decision-making should be made available to ensure stability and shared governance. The study suggests that, further research could be conducted to find out how management takes part in decision making process at the various Universities and whether this could have impact on involving students. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.title Students And Administrators‟ Views On Students‟ Participation In Decision-Making Process At The Tamale Technical University. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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