Ordinarily Portland cement and other cementitious materials have played key roles in the construction industry over the years. However, in recent times, exposure of civil structures to toxic contaminants such as NOx, SOx, among others have resulted in sulphate attack which affect their structural integrity. Hence the main thrust for this thesis is as follows: (1) to determine chemical composition of major oxides such as TiO2 concentration in the study area's kaolin samples; (2) to extract the TiO2 content and used in formulating TiO2- ordinary Portland cement; and (5) make policy recommendation to relevant stakeholders in the building and construction industries on the use of climate-smart Portland cement. Selective flocculation technique was used to extract TiO2 and Fe2O3 from the kaolin samples. Results from the determination of compressive and flexural strength are tested according to EN 197-1:2005 standards, water of absorption in line with ASTM C1403-15 standards, workability or flow of the mortar according to ASTM C109 standards, and lastly sulphate attack was carried out in line with ASTM C1012 guidelines. The compressive and flexural strength increased considerably when 5% TiO2 was added to the Portland cement than the control. This means local cement manufacturing companies can extract TiO2 from kaolin and incorporate it into the formulation of their Portland cement to improve its ability to withstand the changing harsh climate.