According to the findings of the research, the Madina Municipal Assembly of Ghana has some budgeting practices that need to be evaluated. In light of the fact that the study investigated and evaluated an already existing phenomenon, the descriptive research design was utilised in the study. Formal questionnaires were used as the instruments for data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were utilised in the study. For the purpose of selecting a respondent from among 56, the technique of simple random sampling was utilised. For the purpose of analysing the objectives of the study, descriptive analysis was performed as well. The descriptive statistics were utilised in order to accomplish the first objective of the study, which was to achieve the desired results. Calculations were made to determine the mean and standard deviation of each of the variables. According to the findings, the practices that had the highest average were those that involved the preparation of a budget alongside checklists. The second objective of the study was to gather information about the difficulties that budget preparers face during the process of project implementation. Based on the findings, it was determined that the approach taken to distribute funds to the user department was not satisfactory. The study discovered that there was a positive and significant relationship between budgetary practices and the performance of the Madina Municipal Assembly. This was the third and final objective of the study. According to the findings of the study, it is recommended that the management and employees of the Madina Municipal Assembly be made aware of the significance of budgetary controls in order to improve the institution's overall financial well-being.