The study assessed the internal control system compliance of public hospitals,
using Kwesimintsim Hospital, Takoradi as a case in study. A specific focus of
the study was on the effectiveness of the internal control system in ensuring
that hospitals adhere to all applicable rules, regulations, and policies in the
hospital, as well as preserving resources against theft and misuse. A crosssectional
survey was used in the research. Employees at Kwesimintsim
Hospital Takoradi filled out a structured questionnaire as the primary data
collection instrument. The study focused on both hospital administrators and
non-administrative workers. In total, there were 134 employees who took part
in the survey. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential
statistics. The results showed that the hospital was generally adhering to its
internal control procedures. To ensure orderly, ethical, economical, efficient,
and effective operations; accountability duties; and compliance with laws and
regulations; the hospital's internal control system played an important role.
The hospital's internal control system, on the other hand, had little effect in
preventing waste and fraud from occurring. In order to protect the hospital's
resources from misuse, it is advised the hospital's leadership is to ensure that
an effective internal control system was in place.