The study examined the influence of human resource development practices on the
performance of commercial bank staff in the Ho Municipality. Other specific
objectives included an assessment of the various HRD practices employed by
commercial banks in the municipality. The study adopted the quantitative approach,
explanatory research design coupled with the post-positivist research paradigm to
address the objectives. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data from 142
bank staff drawn from a total population of 220 commercial bank staff in Ho
municipality using Yaro Yamane's (1967) sample size determination Table. The
gathered data was then processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics (version 26). Both
descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (linear
regression) were used to address issues in the study. The study found career
development, training and performance appraisal as the most prevalent and
important HRD practices employed by commercial banks in the Ho municipality.
The level of staff performance was found to be very high across the surveyed
commercial banks in the Ho municipality. The study further found a moderate and
statistically significant positive influence of HRD practice on the performance of
commercial bank staff in the Ho municipality. The study concludes that HRD
practices had a significant influence on staff performance. The study recommended
that the management of the respective commercial banks should pay immense
attention to HRD practices to ensure constant improvementin staff performance at
the respective commercial bank.