A sustainable robust economy requires that human resource may give high priority to occupational health and safety. This study sought to assess the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) measures among Environmental Health Workers in the University of Cape Coast (UCC). The study adopted a mixed-method research approach. A stratified and systematic random sampling technique were used to capture 146 conservancy workers, 92 sanitary workers, and 52 cleaners, which made up a total sample size of 274 environmental health workers. In contrast, a purposive sampling method was used to capture the Head of the Environmental Health Section (EHS), including the other three sub-sectional heads (Conservancy, Sanitary and Cleaning) as the key informants. An interview schedule was used to collect data from the environmental health workers, while key informant interview guides were used to gather qualitative information from the key informants. The study revealed that majority of the respondents had a high level of knowledge on OHS issues since they agreed to the items used to measure respondents’ knowledge level towards OHS at the section. The study concluded that the EHS of the UCC faced OHS challenges including untimely release of funds, inadequate logistics, limited safety training and low wages for the workers. The main recommendation was that management of UCC should provide timely funding and adequate logistics for workers to carry out all the necessary safety OHS training.