The prime purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between
students’ perception and satisfaction of blended learning with their continuous
use intention of blended learning at Nyakrom Senior High Technical School.
The descriptive survey research design was used for this study. The study
utilised simple random sampling to select 327 sample size out of 2,206 for the
study. The instrument used to collect data was questionnaire, and the data
collected were analysed using mean, standard deviation, mean of means and
multiple regression. The results of the study revealed that respondents have
positive perceptions of Blended Learning at Nyakrom SHTS. The findings
also showed that students were highly satisfied with blended teaching at
Nyakrom SHTS. Again, the result also revealed that the students have a high
level of continuance use intention of blended learning. Additionally, the study
revealed that students’ perception and satisfaction predicted their continuance
use intention of blended learning for ICT instruction at Nyakrom SHTS. The
study, therefore, recommended that the Ministry of Education, through Ghana
Education Service, should train students on the use of blended learning. It was
recommended that students’ perception and satisfaction should be considered
when adopting blended learning for use in Senior High schools in Ghana.