Caregivers of children living with cerebral palsy often face significant psychological distress in their daily routines. Cerebral palsy, a nonprogressive but incurable condition, leads to lifelong functional disabilities and is prevalent among children in developing countries. This study aimed to uncover the psychological distress that Ghanaian caregivers of children with cerebral palsy experience. Employing a convergent parallel mixed method design, the study utilised a purposive and snowballing sampling approaches, involving a total of 65 caregivers. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 10 respondents, while 55 respondents participated in the quantitative aspect. The findings revealed that caregivers experienced various forms of psychological distress, including disorientation, worry, sadness, fear, rejection, and anger. Coping mechanisms employed by caregivers included humour, avoidance, acceptance, faith or religion, seeking support from professional advice or support groups, and relying on family support. The study found that avoidant coping and problem-focused coping significantly predicted anxiety among caregivers (B= .619, t=3.414, p=.001; B= .331, t=2.308, p=.025, respectively). Avoidant coping also emerged as a significant predictor of depression (B= .477, t=2.382, p=.021) among caregivers. In conclusion, this study highlights that, caregivers of children with cerebral palsy experience psychological distress in the form of depression, stress, and anxiety. Caregivers employ coping strategies, but these strategies may inadvertently increase their distress levels.