University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository

Effect Of The Minimum Capital Requirements On Performance Of Selected Banks In Ghana

Show simple item record Atiine, Boduong Francis 2025-01-30T15:41:37Z 2025-01-30T15:41:37Z 2023-04
dc.identifier.issn issn
dc.description xi, 82p; , ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The research studied on the effect minimum capital requirement on profitability of commercial banks in Ghana. The ordinary pool least square was used in achieving the objective of the study. The quantitative approach was employed. The study found that there was negative relationship between capital requirement on profitability of commercial banks. Also, asset quality showed a positive relationship with profitability of commercial banks. There was also a negative relationship between liquidity and profitability of firms. Finally, the study found that, management efficiency showed a negative effect on profitability of commercial banks in Ghana. The study recommended that Board of directors and management of the institutions must ensure utilization of capital on assets that contribute significantly to the income or profit generation for the firms. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.title Effect Of The Minimum Capital Requirements On Performance Of Selected Banks In Ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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