The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes, effects and how to control indiscipline in the Mampong College of Education. Both theoretical and empirical literature covered the acts of school indiscipline, causes, effects and methods used in controlling school indiscipline.
Descriptive survey design was employed for the study. The study involved both students and tutors of Mampong College of Education. The sample size for the study was 220. Stratified sampling technique was used to select students for the study. Simple random technique was used to select 180 students. All the 40 tutors were purposively selected for the study. The reliability coefficient obtained from the pre-test was 0.91. Questionnaire was the main instrument used to collect data. The items were mostly multiple choice items. The data were analyzed using frequencies and percentages.
The major findings were that tutors saw truancy and breaking of bounds as major acts of indiscipline in the college, while students regarded stealing as a major act of indiscipline in the college. Both students and tutors selected poor feeding by school authorities as a major cause of school indiscipline among students. On controlling indiscipline in the college, tutors suggested that involving students in formulation of school rules and regulations was the option, while the students indicated that giving moral and social talks to students was the best option.
It was recommended that class registers needed to be marked at the beginning and end of each lesson in order to check truancy. It was also recommended that student feeding should be improved so as to reduce acts of indiscipline in the college.