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Examining the prospects and challenges of the public procurement act implementation in Ghana: the case of East Mamprusi District Assembly

Show simple item record Rasheed, Bonya 2020-02-03T11:50:59Z 2020-02-03T11:50:59Z 2019-03
dc.identifier.isbn 23105496
dc.description xi, 78p:, ill en_US
dc.description.abstract "It is believed that the promulgation of the Public Procurement Act has assisted to deal with several problems of procurement in Ghana. Despite the achievements of the reform, it appears the implementation of the procurement Act is faced with many challenges. This study sought to examine the prospects and challenges of the public procurement Act in Ghana with much focus on the East Mamprusi District Assembly (EMDA). In conducting the study, the researcher adopted purposive sampling technique to solicit the requisite information from registered suppliers, procurement staff and entity tender committee members of EMDA whose core function entails executing various shades of procurement and procurement related activities. The questionnaire technique was employed as the research instrument while Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 21 enabled the researcher to analyse the field data captured. The major challenges identified by the study were delays in the procurement process and late payment of contractors upon completion of work. The main cause of the delays in the process according to the study was bureaucracy. In order to enjoy the benefits that come with the Procurement Act, the study recommended that government should endeavour to review the Act to limit the number of steps in the procurement process so as to reduce the level of bureaucracy in the system. Furthermore, procurement entities should comply with the contractual agreement with contractors/suppliers by honouring prompt payment upon completion of contracts/ projects. Digitized " en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.title Examining the prospects and challenges of the public procurement act implementation in Ghana: the case of East Mamprusi District Assembly en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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