Background: Vasectomy is one of the safest and inexpensive modern contraceptive methods but it remains relatively ‘invisible’ in Ghana. Support of women may be a significant incentive in influencing their partners to adopt vasectomy.
Objective: To examine the perspectives of women on vasectomy as a contraceptive option.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 298 women accessing long-term or permanent family planning methods at health facilities in three selected districts in the Central Region of Ghana. Pearson’s Chi-square was used to test associations between variables and the attitudes of women towards vasectomy. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant
Results: Awareness of vasectomy was low (32%). About 66% of the women who became aware of vasectomy during the study would prefer their partners to go for vasectomy compared with 50% of those who were aware prior to the study. Women who would either not prefer vasectomy or support their partner’s choice of vasectomy cited fear of impotency (39.6%). There was a statistically significant association (p<0.05) between ethnicity, previous contraceptive use, awareness of male methods, and preference for vasectomy instead of bilateral tubal ligation (BTL). A statistically significant association (p<0.05) was also found between age of participant, duration of marriage, religious affiliation, and the willingness of women to support their partner’s choice of vasectomy.
Conclusion: There is, therefore, the need for the involvement of women in the promotion of vasectomy through vigorous publicity and education.